Child Support In Light of the Latest Provisions

In Pennsylvania, while there may be cash benefits or welfare assistance available from the government for the care of children, parents are also obliged to pay support for the care and maintenance of their children (alimony). The obligation of one parent to pay child support to the other parent is mandated by law and the amount mostly depends on the parties’ respective incomes (or a possible earning capacity assigned by the court if they do not work). Pennsylvania
Illinois House approves criminal justice reform bill

Some good news about the legal reforms across the US has come today from the Illinois’ House of Representatives. A newly adopted criminal justice reform bill [SB2872] was approved by a vote of 83-26, meaning that a brand new type of approach would be now on put in place in the crime-plagued state…
North Carolina asks the Justices to step in on voter ID law (UPDATED)

Today Chief Justice John Roberts commanded the challengers in the case to respond to the state’s application to stay the lower court’s ruling. The response is up to appear on Thursday, August 25, at 4 p.m. Eastern. Arguing that not only its own voter identification law but literally all others could be endangered if a lower-court decision is permitted to stand, yesterday